Our Vision
placing young adults on a path to vocational success and long-term stability.
SCAN, Inc, a social service organization dedicated to protecting children and preparing parents, partnered with The Courtyard, a supportive housing complex for youth ages 18-25, to address the need for young people aging out of foster care, and prevent homelessness, unemployment, and generational cycles of child abuse and neglect.
This partnership resulted in CHILL (Creating Hope, Instilling Life Lessons) Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit organization receiving administrative services from SCAN.
Through CHILL, the tenants are given the social services and tools needed to conduct their lives as independent adults. The staff first focuses on basic life skills for new residents of the 36 apartment units.
As the tenants develop, CHILL staff assist them in completing their education or taking on the job-hunting process. They help with resumes, match them with community volunteers for mentorship, and assist in job hunting. When transportation or paying bills on time become an issue, CHILL is there to help residents find community resources to solve their problems.
CHILL also works to educate young parents on how to care for their children properly. Out of 36 units, there are more than 20 children under the age of five who live at The Courtyard with their single mothers. Major strides are being made to build stability in the next generation and prevent child abuse and neglect.